Embracing the Wounded Child Within
10:00 am10:00

Embracing the Wounded Child Within

A beautiful morning of self-exploration, creativity, guided meditation and group discussion to explore the wounds we suffered as children. When we embrace our wounded child with self-compassion, we help liberate our unconscious triggers and experience less reactivity in our relationships. Together in an intimate group setting, this workshop will offer the space for deeper healing and connection with the sacred creative self..  READ MORE & BOOK 

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Persona Workshop (day-long)
10:00 am10:00

Persona Workshop (day-long)

A beautiful day of self-exploration, creativity, guided meditation and group work to explore the armoury we wear as part of our persona. By dismantling some our protective layers and working with our vulnerability, we can find renewed meaning and purpose in our life and the courage to allow our authentic self to be seen. Facilitated by Inez de Vega and Mandy Laming. Read more.


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10:00 am10:00

Persona Workshop (day-long)

beautiful day of self-exploration, creativity, guided meditation and group work to explore the armoury we wear as part of our persona. By dismantling some our protective layers and working with our vulnerability, we can find renewed meaning and purpose in our life and the courage to allow our authentic self to be seen.

Facilitated by Inez de Vega and Mandy Laming

“You shall become aware, through daily practice, that what you imagine to be your self is concocted from beliefs put into you by others and is not your self at all.” Iskander of Balkh (Sufi Master)


Most of us think of ourselves via descriptions that were assigned by our families, sometimes even from birth. For example, the good child, the high-achiever, the rescuer, the scapegoat, the nurturer, the outsider, the baby

While some of these roles may sound attractive, the truth is they all tend to lock us into an abbreviated identity long after its use-by-date resulting in a persona that feels fixed. Many times, we anxiously grasp on to these habitual roles for fear of losing who we think we are. We often wear our identity as armour — as protection.

“I’m just an anxious person, that’s who I am.” “Beyond being everyone’s mum, I don’t know who I am.” “I’ve always wanted to do something different but I'm scared.” "I’m a control freak.” “I’ve always been a perfectionist.”  Each of these statements hint at a rigid core-belief that keeps us trapped in old behaviours and a narrow spectrum of self-identification. The more contracted we are, the more we seek to control our environment and relationships, and the more we fear change. Science tells us that contraction and fear also create inflammation in our brains and bodies. 

While we build up our armour as children to protect ourselves from disappointment or pain; as adults we may intuit that to lead a meaningful life, experiencing renewed purpose and deeper connections, we can start dismantling some this steely protection and befriending our vulnerability. 

Through guided meditation, creative art and group work, this soothing workshop will help us become more aware of our armoury and gently loosen our identification with it. Then, in the supportive embrace of the Sharing Circle, explore ways in this new year that we might move beyond what it is that has been holding us back from experiencing our own radiant, happy heart.

Inez is the founder of A Happy Heart. She is an experienced group facilitator, meditation guide and an award-winning artist. She is currently undertaking a Masters of Counselling.

Mandy is co-founder of the Creative Arts Therapy Collective at Studio One. She is a creative arts therapist with more than two-decades experience in clinical, community and private practice. Mandy also has a long-term practice as a visual artist.

Using creative expression and reflection, Inez and Mandy will offer participants the opportunity to challenge their existing concept of self and consider future possibilities.

Cost:  $100 full price; $80 concession. Bookings essential as places are limited.


Venue: TOORAK, 789 Malvern Road.

For more info, email ahappyheart@zoho.com or call Inez on 03 9824 6963 or 0468 369 824.

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Weekly Heart Meditation on Skype — Saturday Morning: April 8
10:00 am10:00

Weekly Heart Meditation on Skype — Saturday Morning: April 8

Open your heart and mind to the infinite reservoir of kindness, love and self-compassion that resides deep within you.

Join our Skype meditation group and meet with Inez live online every Saturday morning to experience the peacefulness of this sublime ancient practice. Surrender your busy mind, as Inez guides you through a beautiful Heart meditation that will kick off your weekend in the most divine way.

If you've never meditated on Skype before, this is the way of the future. Discover how easy it is to get calm in the comfort of your own home. No need for babysitters, parking hassles or deliberating over what to wear — we don't mind if you front up to your laptop in your pyjamas and hot rollers!             READ MORE & TO BOOK

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Weekly Heart Meditation on Skype — Saturday Morning: April 1
10:00 am10:00

Weekly Heart Meditation on Skype — Saturday Morning: April 1

Open your heart and mind to the infinite reservoir of kindness, love and self-compassion that resides deep within you.

Join our Skype meditation group and meet with Inez live online every Saturday morning to experience the peacefulness of this sublime ancient practice. Surrender your busy mind, as Inez guides you through a beautiful Heart meditation that will kick off your weekend in the most divine way.

If you've never meditated on Skype before, this is the way of the future. Discover how easy it is to get calm in the comfort of your own home. No need for babysitters, parking hassles or deliberating over what to wear — we don't mind if you front up to your laptop in your pyjamas and hot rollers!             READ MORE & TO BOOK

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Heart Meditation - Free Session
10:15 am10:15

Heart Meditation - Free Session

  • EVENT HELD LIVE ON SKYPE Australian Eastern Daylight Time Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A wonderful opportunity to try this special meditation at no cost and in the comfort of your own home.

Surrender your busy mind, as Inez guides you through a beautiful Heart meditation to start your Sunday in the most divine way. 

Meet with Inez live on Skype from 10am to be ready for our 10.15am start. The meditation will run for approximately 30 minutes, with 15 minutes at the end for questions and comments. Booking essential. Read more.

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Skype Bedtime-Meditation Retreat
to 23 Feb

Skype Bedtime-Meditation Retreat

  • Australian Eastern Daylight Time (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Meet with Inez on Skype from 8.30pm to 9.30pm over four consecutive evenings to experience the peacefulness of this sublime ancient practice. Surrender your busy mind, as Inez guides you through a beautiful Heart meditation that will send you off to sleep sweetly.

From Monday 20th February to Thursday 23rd February we shall gather together online for one hour in the evening, opening our hearts and minds to the infinite reservoir of kindness, love and self-compassion that resides deep within us.

Each evening we will follow the same structure. From 8.30-9pm: Q&A and group discussion about our experience of the meditation the previous evening. From 9-9.30pm: thirty-minute guided Heart meditation. Read more.

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Persona Workshop (day-long)
10:00 am10:00

Persona Workshop (day-long)

  • PRAHRAN, Breathing Space Yoga Studio (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A beautiful day of self-exploration, creativity, guided meditation and group work to explore the armoury we wear as part of our persona. By dismantling some our protective layers and working with our vulnerability, we can find renewed meaning and purpose in our life and the courage to allow our authentic self to be seen. Facilitated by Inez de Vega and Mandy Laming. Read more.

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