NeuroFeedback for Trauma

 I have been working with trauma survivors for more than 20 years now. As a trauma-informed therapist and a trauma survivor myself, I specialise in working with other trauma survivors. I understand the survivor’s struggle inside and out because I have walked a similar path of healing.

Neurofeedback is probably the most effective TRAUMA THERAPY that exists in the world today— yet most survivors have tried years and years of other therapies or medications before stumbling upon neurofeedback!

Whether you suffer from complex-PTSD, depression or anxiety, or the inability to concentrate; neurofeedback helps calm the central nervous system, improves focus and mood, and builds more resilience in the brain so that life just gets easier and ‘triggers’ begin to decrease in intensity, duration and frequency. In fact, if you train with neurofeedback for long enough you may discover that situations that used to send your anxiety into overdrive, no longer trigger you at all. If life feels overwhelming; if you are often agitated and reactive; if fear has held you back for most of your life and you self-isolate; or if your inner-critic is unforgivingly harsh and your brain doesn’t give you a moment of peace, please contact me to discuss how neurofeedback can help soothe your nervous system.

How does it work?

TRAUMA BRAIN is a brain that is stuck in flight, fight, freeze. Neurofeedback trains the central nervous system — which includes the brain — to be more flexible and to operate more efficiently so that you bounce back from life’s stressors more readily and your nervous system levels out at a calmer equilibrium. The central nervous system is responsible for so much of our functioning: how stable our moods are, the intensity of our pain levels, our energy reserves, our immune system functioning, any sleep disturbances, our emotional reactivity, our cognitive functioning, as well as our ability to cope and adapt to changing conditions. So if we can soothe and optimise nervous-system functioning, it makes sense you will feel a whole lot better.

Unlike other neurofeedback systems that can only target one or two symptoms, NeurOptimal® neurofeedback upgrades your entire brain so you’ll probably notice a difference in many areas. In addition to feeling calmer and being able to concentrate better, trauma survivors are often amazed when their inner critic starts to quieten down, their confidence increases, and they wake up for the first time feeling light and optimistic without having the weight of the world or the baggage of years of past trauma on their shoulders. And as an added bonus, many of my clients have reported that along with the decrease in stress that comes from brain-training, the need for alcohol, sugar, complex carbs and other addictive substances starts to diminish as well.

Here’s a testimonial video from Natalie, a trauma survivor, whose brain was trained by a NeurOptimal® neurofeedback practitioner in Bendigo:

Here’s an amazing story of resilience from Jennifer who’s brain was trained by a NeurOptimal® neurofeedback practitioner in Ontario, Canada: