What is the difference between neurofeedback that works through listening to music and the type where you look at a screen?

The answer to this is easy. It does not matter to the brain which type of neurofeedback you get - aural or visual - because they both work!

For neurofeedback to work, the feedback must come through one of the five senses because this is how our brains learn. Every day we receive information from our environment through our senses and we learn from it. For example, we see a sunset or hear music and receive pleasure, so we know to seek out these things again. Or we put our hand on a hot stove and we receive pain, so we learn never to do this again.

Neurofeedback works in the same way. Through either listening to music with feedback in it or watching a video with feedback in it, the brain learns that certain electrical frequencies feel more pleasurable, and others feel more uncomfortable. In very simple terms, frequencies that correspond with feeling anxious, unhappy, depressed or unmotivated are generally more painful. Frequencies that reflect concentration, calmness and joy are much more pleasurable.

Therefore, it is not a problem to the brain whether the feedback comes through the music aurally (ie. the neurofeedback I provide from neuroptimal.com) or through the screen visually (some of the other brands), the brain will learn either way.

However, there is a big difference in terms of convenience. When the feedback comes visually through the screen, the client has to be sitting in front of the screen and watching a video or playing a computer game. The client cannot do anything else. Whereas, with my neurofeedback you can be working away answering emails, typing an invoice, doing your homework, playing a game on your phone, meditating, drawing, reading or building a plasticine castle, all while having your neurofeedback session. That is, you can multi-task, so you don't have to set aside time for just a neurofeedback session. As long as your brain can hear the music, you will improve.

You can even fall asleep whilst having neurofeedback! Yes, that's right, I do it all the time when I have a session at night. I find it so relaxing that I fall asleep on the sofa whilst having it. This is great news for ADHD and anxious children who find it impossible to sit still for 33 minutes (the session time). Only with neurofeedback that works aurally rather than visually can you put it on the child’s head whilst they are asleep and their brains will improve without them even knowing they've had a session.

Why does it work when you're asleep? Because neurofeedback therapy works with the unconscious mind not the conscious mind. So you don't have to be conscious while your brain is healing and growing with neurofeedback. You just play the beautiful music softly beside your child while they are sleeping (or through your own headphones if you’re having the session) and the unconscious mind will register it. In everyday life, too, our unconscious minds do a lot of work while we are asleep. Yes, psychological growth while we are asleep is definitely a thing!